I bought this bike about two months ago, and at first, I couldn't have been more pleased. The assembly took a bit of thinking, but it wasn't that difficult, and only took about a half-hour or so. The seat was solid as a rock, but I'd read the other reviews on here and ordered a gel seat at the same time, so that was never much of a problem.
I'm 5'8", and this bike is a little too short for me. The seat is at its highest point, and my knees bump my forearms with every pedal. Also, I started on setting 5 of 8 (which was initially the perfect resistance), but when I went to move it up to 6, I noticed a horrible grinding sound, like the magnets in the bike had shifted. I can actually feel them scraping over each other with every pedal, and the sound is unacceptable. And finally, this bike doesn't fold up. You see the picture of the bike? From front to back, it reduces about a foot, and that's it. Hardly a stow-away size.
I am deeply unsatisfied with this bike, and am currently searching for schematics so that I can repair it myself (as the company in question won't listen to either requests for maintenance or return).
Get more detail about Confidence Fitness Space Saving X Bike.However.
I'm 5'8", and this bike is a little too short for me. The seat is at its highest point, and my knees bump my forearms with every pedal. Also, I started on setting 5 of 8 (which was initially the perfect resistance), but when I went to move it up to 6, I noticed a horrible grinding sound, like the magnets in the bike had shifted. I can actually feel them scraping over each other with every pedal, and the sound is unacceptable. And finally, this bike doesn't fold up. You see the picture of the bike? From front to back, it reduces about a foot, and that's it. Hardly a stow-away size.
I am deeply unsatisfied with this bike, and am currently searching for schematics so that I can repair it myself (as the company in question won't listen to either requests for maintenance or return).
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