I've had this recumbent exercise bike for about 4 months. I'm not good at putting things together, but didn't have much trouble with this bike. There was one bolt in the seat that just wouldn't fit, but the seat is solid and stable nonetheless. One of the advantages of this bike is its compact size overall. I needed to fit it into a narrow space in my bedroom, so I did not attach the armrests, and it fits perfectly. I don't miss the armrests. I am 5'3" and the bike is comfortable for me adjusted to the shortest setting. It is comfortable even for 45-60 minutes. It is easy to read or watch a movie on my computer while riding (there is a table nearby). The bike is very quiet, so I can talk on the phone if I'm not breathing too hard.
I do not have much confidence in the "computer" that tells me distance, speed, and calories burned. The clock function is accurate; if the bike's clock says I exercised for 45 minutes, I can verify that by the clock on the wall. The speed and distance seems over-optimistic; I doubt that I was "going" 20 mph or that I rode 13.7 miles in 45 minutes. But even if those figures are not realistic, they are useful benchmarks. My warm-up pace is usually slower than my "cruising" pace; the overall "odometer" shows that I've racked up some miles, and helps me create goals around distance as well as time.
Considering that the cost of this bike is comparatively low, it is an extremely good value. I'm conscious that I've only put a few hundred miles on it; I hope it holds up over time. Its cost, though, was cheaper than one month of a gym membership in my community. In some ways it's better than a gym membership, because of the convenience of having it in my home and available at all hours. I actually use it, too--something that's not always true of a gym membership! Highly recommended.
Get more detail about Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle.I do not have much confidence in the "computer" that tells me distance, speed, and calories burned. The clock function is accurate; if the bike's clock says I exercised for 45 minutes, I can verify that by the clock on the wall. The speed and distance seems over-optimistic; I doubt that I was "going" 20 mph or that I rode 13.7 miles in 45 minutes. But even if those figures are not realistic, they are useful benchmarks. My warm-up pace is usually slower than my "cruising" pace; the overall "odometer" shows that I've racked up some miles, and helps me create goals around distance as well as time.
Considering that the cost of this bike is comparatively low, it is an extremely good value. I'm conscious that I've only put a few hundred miles on it; I hope it holds up over time. Its cost, though, was cheaper than one month of a gym membership in my community. In some ways it's better than a gym membership, because of the convenience of having it in my home and available at all hours. I actually use it, too--something that's not always true of a gym membership! Highly recommended.
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