I bought this bike because it was on sale so I was able to get it for $[...]. Which is why this review is more positive, it's good for the money but as a bike it's just decent.
My main gripe is the shady design with both the seat and the bars. The seat is extremely uncomfortable. The 'upright' positioning is also really uncomfortable, nothing like the gym bikes I'm used to. The seat actually points away from the bars so you need to be hunched over in order to reach them. While the seat itself is on as tight as it will go it still spins around which can make an uncomfortable seat even more uncomfortable during movement (Which is what the product is for)
As for the bars the design of the bike allows you to have a few different positions, I prefer the more 'normal' bike position as opposed to the straight out one because I have fairly short arms and with the seat pointing away as it does it makes it almost impossible to reach. But the slightest of pressure moves the bars up and down, even with it screwed as tightly into place as possible. This can get really annoying when you're trying to push yourself to just go that extra .5 mile and all the sudden the bars jolt down and scare the hell out of you.
The calorie counter on the bike has no way of setting in your weight so you have no idea how many calories you are actually burning. This wouldn't be as annoying if somewhere in the manual they told you what weight they are basing this calorie counter on and I could do the math myself. It seems like a pretty basic question, (the reason I decided to buy it was the calorie counter, it was required) If a 120lb person is on it for an hour they can burn up to 504 calories, a 170 lb person can burn 819 a 230 lb person can burn 1197 a 300lb person 1480 (source= [...])these numbers are vastly different and a device with fitness in mind should actually keep fitness in mind and know that not everyone will be the same. Because of this I've had to basically ignore the calorie counter and go by the mileage and try to look it up online to get the 'real' amounts. It's like having a scale that will weigh you correctly, but only if you weigh 150/lbs.
The tension settings on the bike are pretty excellent. Theres 10 (?) or so of them, ranging from absolutely nothing to feeling like your leg pressing 50lbs with every rep. You can change your tension at any time without having to play around with a menu or resetting anything which makes it easy to switch it around. When the bike was first set up the higher tensions would make a loud whirling noise but that quickly went away with use.
Another thing this bike is great on is space. I didn't have much room but it's really nice and compact (I'm guessing at the expense of comfort, it takes up less room than a reclining chair.
All in all, it does what it has to but it certainly doesn't excel in many areas. If I had known then what I knew now about it I would have spent more money on a better model. But it works and it's better than nothing. The goal of getting something like this is so you can work out more, but the uncomfort and flaws in bike deign make it really hard to motivate yourself to get on it.
Get more detail about Schwinn Active 10 Series Upright Exercise Bike.My main gripe is the shady design with both the seat and the bars. The seat is extremely uncomfortable. The 'upright' positioning is also really uncomfortable, nothing like the gym bikes I'm used to. The seat actually points away from the bars so you need to be hunched over in order to reach them. While the seat itself is on as tight as it will go it still spins around which can make an uncomfortable seat even more uncomfortable during movement (Which is what the product is for)
As for the bars the design of the bike allows you to have a few different positions, I prefer the more 'normal' bike position as opposed to the straight out one because I have fairly short arms and with the seat pointing away as it does it makes it almost impossible to reach. But the slightest of pressure moves the bars up and down, even with it screwed as tightly into place as possible. This can get really annoying when you're trying to push yourself to just go that extra .5 mile and all the sudden the bars jolt down and scare the hell out of you.
The calorie counter on the bike has no way of setting in your weight so you have no idea how many calories you are actually burning. This wouldn't be as annoying if somewhere in the manual they told you what weight they are basing this calorie counter on and I could do the math myself. It seems like a pretty basic question, (the reason I decided to buy it was the calorie counter, it was required) If a 120lb person is on it for an hour they can burn up to 504 calories, a 170 lb person can burn 819 a 230 lb person can burn 1197 a 300lb person 1480 (source= [...])these numbers are vastly different and a device with fitness in mind should actually keep fitness in mind and know that not everyone will be the same. Because of this I've had to basically ignore the calorie counter and go by the mileage and try to look it up online to get the 'real' amounts. It's like having a scale that will weigh you correctly, but only if you weigh 150/lbs.
The tension settings on the bike are pretty excellent. Theres 10 (?) or so of them, ranging from absolutely nothing to feeling like your leg pressing 50lbs with every rep. You can change your tension at any time without having to play around with a menu or resetting anything which makes it easy to switch it around. When the bike was first set up the higher tensions would make a loud whirling noise but that quickly went away with use.
Another thing this bike is great on is space. I didn't have much room but it's really nice and compact (I'm guessing at the expense of comfort, it takes up less room than a reclining chair.
All in all, it does what it has to but it certainly doesn't excel in many areas. If I had known then what I knew now about it I would have spent more money on a better model. But it works and it's better than nothing. The goal of getting something like this is so you can work out more, but the uncomfort and flaws in bike deign make it really hard to motivate yourself to get on it.
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